Be the Elegant Woman You Are - verliz

Be the Elegant Woman You Are

Be the Elegant Woman You Are - verliz

An elegant woman knows that her elegance radiates from inside and not from her belongings.

             “A woman can be overdressed but never over elegant .”
                                                                            – Coco Chanel


Become the Elegant Woman

What is an Elegant Woman?

An elegant woman is a woman who chooses to live her life as a sophisticated woman. One who knows how to be a person that thinks of others. She is empowered by her elegance.

It is not about living a luxurious lifestyle (although that would be nice, it isn’t a necessity), or following some rules to appear elegant.

An elegant lady will see opportunities to make other people happier, to help anyone she meets.

The meaning of elegant is to see how you can make the world a better place, every. single. day.

Another word for elegant is classy.

Being classy can be thought of as the same as elegant. They both mean beautiful and also helping others around you.

You can be a classy woman by simply adopting the elegant life that you’ve always wanted.

You won’t need to learn how to be elegant, how to be more graceful or how to look sophisticated.

What you will learn here is how embracing elegance will change your life for the better!

How do you Look Effortlessly Elegant?

Haven’t you seen those drop-dead gorgeous women out there that make it look so darn easy!

Well, to be honest, to achieve this is not difficult or impossible! You can be that woman!

With a little bit of knowledge and some guidance, you will be the effortlessly elegant woman that other women will wish they could be!

How to Be Elegant?

Have you ever really just wanted to become elegant?

Watching those beautiful women on movies, like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly?

Or perhaps you were fortunate enough to have a woman in your life that enchanted you by her walk, talk, and just by the way she did things?

Mastering the art of elegance will not only open doors for you, but it will also bring upon opportunities that you never could have imagined.


Being an elegant woman and living an elegant lifestyle will help you develop and grow into a woman who shrugs off the little things, who sees life as an adventure worth taking, and seeks the thrills of the mundane day.

When you are an elegant woman, you will see changes in yourself that will surprise you.

It’s not just about wearing high heels and pearls, or having the perfect attire. Being elegant isn’t shallow, but it comes from your heart, your mind, and your soul.

How to Look Classy

… but wait, isn’t this the same as being elegant?
No, it’s not!

Let me explain.

In a way, an elegant woman IS a classy woman, yes. However, there are two parts that make her. Not only is there the mental aspect, but there is also a physical aspect.

Both are important, but the most important part is that they need to walk hand in hand with each other. You can’t just dress like a classy woman and yet your mind thinks in the gutter. It won’t work.

That is why you need to practice both, looking classy but ALSO being elegant.

How to look like a classy woman is dedicated to the physical attributes to help you achieve your most graceful and irresistible version of you.

The beauty of a classy woman is one that entices people to come closer. This is because instead of flaunting everything she has, she hides it and clouds it in mystery.

Who is the Most Elegant Woman?

This is a very subjective question, but a good one nevertheless.

There is the infamous Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly. These two women are synonymous with elegance and class. You can’t forget about Coco Chanel or Jacqueline Kennedy.

However, we have newer role models like the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton and Natalie Portman.

This list can go on forever, but taking a deeper look into what made them elegant and how it can be attained is a wonderful way to improve your elegance.

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